On a new note, today I got to work at Ginormo Software Inc and there was something making a terrible honking sound. When I determined that it was coming from the roof area, I saw this:
Upon further movement towards the entrance I then noticed that my building now had Gargeese.
Yup, Gothic churches have Gargoyles, Ginormo Software Inc has Gargeese. Heh.
I am also officially helping out my friend’s company, Greenlifepixels. If you or your friends/family/co-workers are part of the Green movement, please go to this site. It’s cool. It’s got a newsletter (Edited by Moi!). And hey, if you’re reading this, you have time to surf the web a bit, so go there! (Did I mention I am the editor of the eNewsletter?)
And, since I am having so much fun plugging things, let me plug my newly set up storefront, www.twitterpated.etsy.com, where I will be selling some of my hand-made items. It's a bit bare at the moment, but perhaps I shall sit down tonight and make it really pretty. So much yarn, not enough time....