I got to spend quality time with her, which is by far more time than we have spent together in the last 10 years. I got a fantastic shot of the girls, who I adore:
And this is the beauty of Oahu:
Maya decided that I had to teach her to knit, so we went out and got her a little starter kit. She would see me knitting and run and get her needles and 'thread' and sit next to me. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen, and the best part was that she took her knitting in for show and tell to her kindergarten class the day I left. She is such a great kid, I love her with all my heart. Her little sis, Kayla, has a smile that warms your heart, and I was there just in time for her 2nd birthday party, which was all kinds of fun. I miss hearing them coming down the stairs calling "Masi???" (Aunt in Hindi).
Got back to Seattle and had a lovely weekend- went to the Pike Market on Saturday and had one of those rare gorgeous days where there is hardly a cloud in the sky and the water was sparkling. I wished I had my camera with me, but it was sadly at home. Sunday night we had a few inches of snow, which meant I was stuck at home since I couldn't get my car up the driveway. I tried my hardest, but just managed to get about halfway up and then lost traction and started sliding backwards. Let me tell you how much fun that is!! Since I am a So.Cal girl originally, I have NO idea how to drive in snow. And, I have found, not many people here in Seattle are that great at it either. So I got to work from home on Monday, and then it was back to the normal grind as usual this past week.
On the knitting front, for those of you who are keeping track, I am about to start a sweater for Dad. My first full sized sweater, so this should be interesting. I just have to seam the tank top I made for Kayla, then I can mail that to her. Of course, I have about 3 other WIPs on the kneedles, and a dozen other projects that I have waiting in my queue of things I want to make. My next start will be a felted bucket hat. Perhaps I can get that done prior to my parent's visit in a few weeks. It's been so cold lately that I think that will help my mom stay warm. :)
Anyway, I hope to post more often, but that is the latest update!
1 comment:
What a great sounding trip! Oahu photo is BEAUTIFUL. Happy you were able to enjoy such a great trip. Hey, enjoy the Fiber festival this next weekend. Alas, I'll be in Texas. I'm excited about my trip and I think my cousin will approve of the way we will celebrate his memory.
Can't wait to see your Dad's sweater and will check Ravelry periodically in hopes of seeing photos. Have a great day, my friend!
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