July 5, 2007

Happy Happy

I have survived my first two full days on the new job. The universe aligned itself perfectly for me to start at this exact time- new boss is on vacation for the week, 4th of July fell right in the middle of the week, thus allowing me a 4 day work week, and Mother Nature here in Seattle got a little confused and apparently thinks that we are actually somewhere closer to the equator because it is HOT and crystal clear outside.

My new job had a little pre-requisite reading. Since I am now a Starbucks Partner (read: Employee), I read the Chairman's book called “Pour Your Heart Into It”. I was reading this book last week, and kept coming across some very interesting tidbits that made me say to myself “If this is even remotely true about the company, I am going to LOVE working there!”. Now, I’ve only been here 2.5 days, but my experience thus far has been incredible. I mean it. I feel like I am back in the heyday of the internet boom when I was at Netscape- the people here are super nice, they are all very social, and there is nary a bad vibe to be felt. I have been introduced to a great many people (many whose names I will not recall 10 mins after I meet them, but that is expected when you are new), and I am scheduled to meet with at least 10 other people in the dept. The office décor is wonderful- very artsy, and there is so much natural day light that I don’t even feel remotely sad that I have an inside cube. I received my official badge today and my ‘partner card’ which is the most important thing to have- that is how I get my discount!!

I have also learned how to use the happy espresso machines that are in the break rooms, and OH. MY. GOD. I have full access to every flavored syrup, including my fav- the caramel sauce used for caramel macchiatos- all the teas, and much more. I made a lovely latte this morning, and am happily bouncing around after the double shot of espresso that I added to it. I am sure the novelty will wear off at some point, and I will go back to drinking my normal Americano, but for now, I am trying it all. I may even have a mocha tomorrow, with some peppermint syrup added. Or maybe Hazelnut. Or….hmmmmm….. maybe I will COMBINE some and create an altogether new drink. You just never know.

In other news- I showed Daisy, my pot-bellied baby dragon, to Shannon at Cultured Purls, and she liked it so much that she is thinking of having me do a class on it! How cool is that?? So at some point in August I may very well be leading others down the path of hatching their very own baby dragons. I’m working on a second one which has a metallic yarn for the tummy, spines and wings, and once I am done I will post more pics. I think this one will be a male dragon. Maybe he will be called Jake.

Oh, and in other news, I will soon be the proud owner of a Macbook- I am so excited I can hardly wait for it to arrive. I want to play with all the fun stuff that comes with it, and finally synch all my iTunes in one place. And, the absolute best thing about it is the little webcam that is built right in that allows you to video chat with people. And since Payal and her family use this all the time I will be able to see them while we talk- this will help the girls not forget what their Erica Masi looks like. And I will try to figure out how I can get others to jump on that bandwagon too- It will be just like the Jetsons- The future is now folks!

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