Welcome to the first day of summer everyone! This time last year I was in the midst of what LA likes to call the "June Glooms", where it is overcast and weird in the morning, and around noon or so, it melts away and is sunny and beautiful, and usually warm.
This year, I have come to learn that Seattle weather is a bit different. As shown by the comparison below:

Yup, we are in for some rain showers, possible sun breaks (that's what they call them here, sun breaks. However, I don't think it is like a coffee break, you can't run for the door when you see one coming!) and general blahness. And, true to form, I love it. I love that I am not sweating by 11am. We had a beautifully sunny and clear day yesterday, and today, not so much.
Also, today is the longest day of the year, and the sun actually doesn't go down here until about 10pm or so. It is something that takes a little adjusting, I must admit. By the time my body feels like it is time to go to sleep, it is about midnight. But damn, it's so nice having at least 4 hours after work where I still get to see daylight. Not so great on the shortest day of the year, where the sun is setting at 4pm, but that is another post entirely.
And, just to add to the crazy which is where I live, last weekend was the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade and Pageant. This is the an event to help people in need, and all donations go to a good cause. You may well be asking "Erica, what is so crazy about that? That sounds like a great thing!" and indeed it is. However, what you don't know is this- people strip down to nothing, paint their bodies, and ride bicycles in the parade. Seriously. I have to laugh, because my friend Lisa sent me an email before I moved here, that was a slide show of people painted riding bicycles. When I asked her where they were, she said Seattle! I knew I would be right at home.... Not that you will see me participating, but just the idea that people are so nutty makes me laugh. Sadly, I missed the parade this year, but I am for sure going next year. I never made it to Bay to Breakers in SF, and I think this has the same feel, minus the long distance run/walk.
Enjoy the first day of summer, where ever you may be!